What is Room Sign Up (RSU)?
UCLA Housing Room Sign Up (RSU) is an online process that provides eligible returning undergraduate residents the opportunity to select their housing for the next academic year. All eligible students interested in housing for the 2025-2026 academic year must submit their application and participate in RSU in order to receive a housing offer. Students who do not select a room during RSU will not be extended a housing offer and will lose any remaining housing guarantee.
Construction Notice: Please note, Gayley Towers will be under construction. If you are living in Landfair Vista, there may be noise impacts from the construction.
You can review a step-by-step walkthrough of the RSU process here or view our webinar, where we walk you through the process: https://youtu.be/Mrvn_iYISNo Both are great to reference while completing your RSU room selection.
Live Chat with us during RSU!
If you participated in RSU last year, you may notice some changes for this year, outlined below.
- Both roommate groups and individual students not in a roommate group will select their rooms at the same time. Priority will not be given to students in a roommate group
- Housing Services will publish current availability outside of the housing portal so you are able to see regular updates and plan for your room selection, even if it is not your assigned RSU day.
- February 7 at 12:00 p.m. (noon): Application due for all RSU eligible students. If this deadline is missed, you will lose any remaining housing guarantee.
- February 7 at 12:00 p.m. (noon): If you are looking to participate in RSU with a roommate group, it must be finalized by noon. You will not have access to the roommate group process again before the start of RSU.
- Week of February 10: All students will receive their RSU Pass 1 timeslot via email. If a roommate group is looking to change their group leader based on this time, there will be an option to do so.
- February 18-21 & 24: RSU Pass 1
- February 25: Roommate groups reopen for Pass 2
- February 27: Roommate groups close for Pass 2
- February 28: All students will receive their RSU Pass 2 timeslot via email.
- March 3 & 4: RSU Pass 2. If you have not selected a room by end of Pass 2, you will lose any remaining housing guarantee.
- Mid-April: You will receive your official housing offer for the 2025-2026 academic year for the space you select during RSU.
On-Campus Housing:
To meet the growing demand for on-campus housing and uphold our commitment to guaranteeing housing for students, most on-campus rooms will transition to triple occupancy. This change allows us to welcome every guaranteed Bruin who requests campus housing, and continue to foster a vibrant and inclusive community while ensuring that every student has a comfortable place to live and thrive. The increasing demand for on-campus housing is a testament to the strength of our Bruin community, and we’re honored to support such a dynamic and connected student body.
There will be no single or double availability to select from on the application or in Room Sign Up, as these spaces will be reserved for students with recommendations from the Center for Accessible Education.
The Center for Accessible Education (CAE) will continue to work with students who may need certain housing accommodations as it relates to their disability. Students seeking support for a disability-related adjustment to their housing assignment should reach out to caehousing@saonet.ucla.edu for further information and are encouraged to review information about the housing accommodation process at https://cae.ucla.edu/students/housing.
University Apartments:
There will be some new room types for you to select in the apartments, including 4 Bd/10 Person (double or triple rooms) in Gayley Heights, Laurel, Palo Verde, and Tipuana and 2 Bd/8 Person in Levering Terrace. the triple rooms in the 4/10s will be set up like on-campus triples, with lofted and bunked beds. The 2/8s will have bunked beds.
There will also be some room types you will not be able to select. There will not be any 4 Bd/8 Person room types in any buildings, including Gayley Heights, Laurel, Palo Verde, or Tipuana. There will not be 2 Bd/6 Person room types in Levering Terrace, but the room type will still be available in Gayley Heights.
There will be no single spaces available to select on the application or in Room Sign Up. The single spaces, including the 4 bedroom/ 4 person are reserved for students with CAE recommendations.
If your classification is “Undergraduate Returner,” Housing Services will notify you via email of your eligibility for RSU, and you must apply via the online application portal by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Friday, February 7, 2025. You have to submit the application to participate in RSU — we encourage you to apply even if you may choose different housing later.
Your assigned Room Sign Up time will be emailed to you after the application deadline.
You can review a walk through of the application here.
You are not required to be in a roommate group for RSU. There is no advantage to being in a roommate group, all students, both those in roommate groups and those not in roommate groups, will select their rooms at the same time.
The roommate group process will be available immediately after you submit your application. You will be able to form a roommate group with students you would like to live with for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Roommate groups must be formed by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Tuesday, February 7, 2025. The roommate group process will close at the same time as the application due date.
Please see our step-by-step roommate group guide for more information on how to form a roommate group. Due to the change in unit capacity this year, roommate groups of up to 10 students can be formed.
You will receive your group’s RSU timeslot after the application and roommate group deadline. If you need to change your group leader, you will have the opportunity to do so prior to RSU.
Here are some helpful tips if you are having trouble finding your friend in the roommate group process:
- You will only be able to find other people who have also submitted their applications. If you can’t find your friend, make sure they have submitted their application already.
- You will only be able to find other people who have the same classification as you. Make sure you are both listed as “Undergraduate Returner” on the Roommate Groups page of the application.
- You will only be able to find people who have indicated they want to be included in roommate searching. Make sure the person you are looking for has indicated “Yes” on the Roommate Search Options page of the application.
- You will only be able to find people who have the same Room Assignment Gender as you. If one of you has requested gender inclusive housing and the other has not, one of you will need to update your gender inclusive request. If you and your group member(s) have the same gender identity, you should not request gender inclusive housing.
During Room Sign Up, you (or your group leader if you have a roommate group) will enter the RSU portal and select the exact building and room for yourself, or your group. You will have access to the RSU process from the start of your assigned time until the end of your assigned day.
If you missed your assigned day or need to make any last minute changes, you will have another opportunity during Pass 2.
February 18-February 21 & February 24, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: RSU Pass 1
March 3-March 4, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: RSU Pass 2
If you do not select a room during Pass 1 or Pass 2, you will not be offered housing for next year and will lose any remaining housing guarantee.
Step-by-step instructions will be available as we approach the start of RSU.
Students who select gender inclusive housing will select their room through the housing portal via the standard RSU process. Step-by-step instructions will be available closer to RSU.
Please note, rooms will already be designated as gender inclusive rooms prior to the start of RSU, and gender inclusive students and groups will be able to select from those available rooms. There will be gender inclusive rooms designated in every building on and off-campus.
If students with Non-Binary or Other Room Assignment Gender wish to live only with students who match their Room Assignment Gender, they should not select Gender Inclusive housing. For those who wish to live with other students of different gender identities, they should select Gender Inclusive housing and can review the gender inclusive RSU process above.
Students who meet these requirements will select their room via the Room Sign Up process outlined above. However, they may need to work directly with a housing representative to identify an available room before being able to select it in the housing portal. They will be able to communicate with a housing representative via Live Chat during RSU hours.
We will send you an offer for the room you selected in mid-April. At that time you will officially accept and submit your initial payment, securing your space for the 2025-2026 academic year.
You can review FAQs about accepting your offer here.